About the Bangor Daily News

Parent company Bangor Publishing Company is a family-owned business now in its fourth generation of ownership. The company was founded in 1889 by the great-grandfather of our current publisher, Richard J. Warren. Bangor Publishing has produced Maine’s newspaper of record, the Bangor Daily News, for more than 135 years. 

Bangor Publishing Company today serves readers and advertisers with statewide local news and audiences. Our family of products includes the Bangor Daily News, bangordailynews.com, Bangor Metro Magazine, thecounty.me, St. John Valley Times, Piscataquis Observer, Aroostook Republican, Houlton Pioneer Times, Star Herald, PrintWorks and Pulse Marketing Agency.  Carolyn J. Mowers, sister of the publisher, serves as chairman of the board.

Questions about our journalism

Questions about our journalism

  • What is the mission of the BDN?

    On our first anniversary, in 1890, we declared:

    The NEWS will keep right on doing what it has done, standing up for the right and fighting the wrong, even if the right happens to be the underdog as is so apt to be the case, defending the downtrodden, and advocating with all its might the best interest of Bangor and Eastern Maine. More than all that, it will continue to give all the news of the day every day, without fear or favor.

    Today, we’ve streamlined that a bit:

    The Bangor Daily News advocates with all its might for the best interests of Maine through strong journalism that serves its readers.

    We won’t waver from our mission, and we are grateful for the support of our subscribers, donors and advertisers who each day choose to invest in Maine communities by supporting this local news organization.

  • What ethical standards do BDN journalists hold themselves to?

    As a member of the Maine Press Association, the Bangor Daily News follows the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics.

  • How does BDN handle corrections?

    When we make an error of fact, we correct it immediately and note our error in the story.

    We correct errors no matter where they occur: Online, in print, in a photo cutline, on social media or in a news alert or email newsletter.

    If you’ve noticed something that was incorrectly reported, please let us know by sending an email or calling us at 207-990-8175.

  • How does BDN handle anonymous sources?

    We ask sources to provide information on the record. That means that we identify, by name and title, those who give us reportable information. We will in some cases grant anonymity, based upon the following conditions:

    1. The information is of vital public interest, and cannot otherwise be reported;

    2. Identifying the source could put them in physical danger or threaten their employment; or

    3. The person is a victim of an alleged crime.

  • How do I request that an old crime story be hidden from Google?

    If you would like to request that an old article from at least five years ago about you be hidden from Google, fill out this form.

    All decisions are governed by BDN’s Forget Me policy.

  • How does the Opinion section operate separately from the newsroom?

    The Opinion pages operate independently from the newsroom. Editorials are written by the editorial board, not the newsroom. The editorial board reports to BDN publisher Rick Warren.

    The newsroom does not contribute to editorials, nor does it edit columns or letters to the editor. Likewise, the editorial board does not produce or edit news stories. Anything you see that says “opinion” on it is conceived and written by the opinion team, not the newsroom. The team of editors that runs our website — and reports to the executive editor — does read over opinion pieces before publishing and promoting them on social media and our homepage.

    Groups, elected officials and political candidates often come into the office to meet with the editorial board. In some cases, the board will invite members of the newsroom to attend — especially during election season — to see if the meeting yields news. What the newsroom and editorial board writes, if anything, about those meetings is separate and not coordinated.

  • What is the editorial board?

    The Bangor Daily News editorial board members are Publisher Richard J. Warren, Opinion Editor Susan Young, Deputy Opinion Editor Matt Junker and BDN President Todd Benoit. Young has worked for the BDN for over 25 years as a reporter and editor. Junker has worked for the BDN since 2018 and worked for U.S. Sen. Angus King before becoming a journalist.

    The BDN Opinion section operates independently, and does not set newsroom policies or contribute to reporting or editing articles elsewhere in the newspaper or on bangordailynews.com.

  • How are Letters to the Editor and opinion pieces selected?

    The Bangor Daily News welcomes letters and columns from readers. We ask that, if you submit a letter to the editor, you keep it to no more than 250 words. The opinion team may edit or reject any contribution for clarity, taste, libel and space. Opinion columns (also called OpEds) should not exceed 700 words. If a column is published, submissions by the same writer will not be considered for 60 days. We try to respond to queries that include practical questions.

    We seek to feature a range of political and life perspectives in our Opinion pages. If you don’t see your perspective reflected in our pages, we encourage you to change that by writing a letter or a commentary. Here’s the link to submit yours.

    In any letter or column, please include hyperlinks to articles, data, and reports that you relied on or referred to in your writing. These links to your sources bolster your argument, both for our editors and our readers. We ask for your email and phone number so we can verify facts you cite and ask other questions.

Questions about submitting content to BDN

Questions about submitting content to BDN

  • How do I place an obituary?

    The death of a loved one is a challenging time. Our obituaries staff is here to guide you through the process of creating and placing an obituary. Click/tap here to place a notice online or call toll free in Maine: 800-432-7964 or from outside of Maine: 207-990-8128.

    You may contact obituaries staff by email at obituaries@bangordailynews.com.

  • How do I place a classified ad?

    Click/tap here to place a classified ad online or call toll free in Maine: 800-432-7964 or from outside of Maine: 207-990-8020.

    You may contact classifieds staff by email at classifieds@bangordailynews.com.

  • How do I submit a correction to a story?

    Was something incorrectly reported? Please let us know by sending an email or calling us at 207-990-8175.

  • How do I submit a letter to the editor?

    Click/tap here to submit your letter. Letters should be no more than 250 words, and may be edited or rejected for clarity, taste, libel and space.

  • How do I submit community news or a press release?

    Click/tap here to submit your news.

  • How do I join the BDN commenting community?

    To participate in the BDN commenting community, you’ll need to create a user profile. (This isn’t the same as your subscription account.) There’s a link to create a user profile at the bottom of every BDN story that includes comments.

    Please familiarize yourself with our comments policy and FAQ.

  • How do I contact the newsroom?

    You can contact the newsroom by calling 207-990-8175 or emailing news@bangordailynews.com. You can find contact information for individual reporters and editors in the Staff Directory.

  • How do I share a news tip?

    You can submit a news tip here.

  • How do I submit a community event?

    Add your events by creating an account here.

  • How do I submit storm closings?

    Send an email to web@bangordailynews.com with your name, organization and the details of the closure.

Questions about individual subscriptions

Questions about individual subscriptions

  • How do I purchase a subscription?

    Purchase a digital or print subscription at bangordailynews.com/subscribe.

  • How do I manage my digital subscription?

    When you are logged in, just click “My Account” in the top menu, or the little green helper bug at the bottom of the screen to access your account panel. Here, you can make changes to your digital subscription or contact information.

  • How do I sign up for newsletters?

    Just visit our newsletters page and select the newsletters you wish to receive. If you are receiving a newsletter you no longer want at a given email address, simply click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email. Then visit the newsletters page and sign up with your preferred email address.

  • Can you help me pause print delivery?

    To request a vacation stop, please fill out this form. We’ll ask you to let us know which day you would like to pause your subscription, and which day you would like it to restart. We typically need 48 hours advance notice for vacation stops, longer around major holidays.

  • How do I report a problem with home delivery?

    To report a delivery problem, please fill out this form. We’ll ask you to let us know what happened and on which dates, and we will ensure your account is credited accordingly. If you are in the greater Bangor area and you let us know before 10 a.m. the same day, we may be able to redeliver.

  • I need to change contact or payment information for a print subscription

    To update your contact information, make a payment, or make changes to your payment method, please fill out this form. If you want to make a payment or update your credit card information, we’ll ask for the best time to call you.

  • I would like to cancel my subscription

    To cancel, email us at customerservice@bangordailynews.com, and please tell us your reason for canceling, to help us improve our service. You may also cancel your digital subscription directly in your account panel, accessed by clicking “My Account” in the top menu, or the little green helper bug at the bottom of the screen.

    Digital subscription cancellations take effect at the next billing cycle. Print subscription cancellations take effect after the expiration date.

Questions about group subscriptions

Questions about group subscriptions

  • How do I purchase a group subscription?

    Just give us a call at 207-990-8002 or email us at customerservice@bangordailynews.com and we’ll help you find the right subscription for your organization. Group subscriptions feature volume discount offerings for all BDN products, via login and/or whitelisting for unlimited access to bangordailynews.com on your office wifi.

    Academic rates are also available for Maine K-12 schools.

  • How do I upgrade my group subscription?

    Just give us a call at 207-990-8002 or email us at customerservice@bangordailynews.com to request an upgrade. Any account balance on your active subscription will be prorated and rolled into your new subscription.

  • I purchased a group subscription. How do I manage my members?

    Login on bangordailynews.com using the “login” link at the top of the page. After the page refreshes, you’ll now see a “My Account” option. Click that link, or the small bug in the lower right corner of the screen, to access the My Account panel.

    Scroll down to Memberships. Here, you can view the activation status of invited individuals, invite new members, and remove existing members. You can invite as many email addresses as you like, but the number of active members is limited by the tier level of your subscription. IE, if you have a 5-user subscription, you will be limited to five active members.

    When you invite a user to become a member, they have three days to accept the invitation. Only active members are counted against your membership allotment.

    If you are the account administrator, you will not receive a membership invite because you purchased the subscription.

  • How do I accept an invite to join a subscription as a member?

    You will receive an invitation in your email inbox for the email account that was added to a membership subscription. Your access will not be live until you accept the invitation. The invitation expires after 3 days.

    If you are not yet registered with BDN, create a login and password to accept the invite when prompted.

    If you are already registered with BDN with the invited email address, simply log in and your membership will be added to your account.

    If you have a Maine Politics Insider membership, you need to activate your membership in order to begin receiving the newsletter.

Questions about the e-edition

Questions about the e-edition

Questions about other BDN products

Questions about other BDN products

  • How do I buy a photo that appeared in print or on bangordailynews.com?

    To buy a photo that appeared in print or on bangordailynews.com, contact web@bangordailynews.com and please provide:

    – A description of the photo

    – Date photo was published

    – Link to article that photo accompanied

    – Photo credit

    – Your name and contact information

    – The company you represent if applicable

    – Note non profit status if applicable

    – Intended usage

  • Can I purchase BDN-branded merchandise?

    The BDN Store offers unique branded merchandise and artist collaborations celebrating and supporting local journalism in Maine.

  • How can I access the historical print archives (1889 – present)?

    The Bangor Daily News historic archive is housed at the Bangor Public Library on microfilm. Contact the BPL at 207-947-8336 or info@bangorpubliclibrary.org to learn more, or access the digitized historic archives online with your qualifying BDN subscription.

    Learn more about digital archive access at bangordailynews.com/subscribe/

  • Does BDN offer puzzles online?

    We offer puzzles online for BDN subscribers.

    The e-edition offers the same puzzles that are available in print, featuring a large-type layout to make them easy to print.

    You can also find the daily crossword and Sudoku, our most popular games in the paper and in the e-edition, on bangordailynews.com. New games are released every day at bangordailynews.com/puzzles.

  • How do I get the BDN app?

    You can download the BDN app in the App Store or Google Play, and here’s a video to walk you through using the app:


Questions about donations

Questions about donations

  • How do I make a tax-deductible donation to support BDN reporting?

    We accept contributions both online via credit card and by check.

    This is the link for online donation https://www.bangordailynews.com/support/.

    To make a donation by check, please follow these instructions exactly to ensure your check goes to the right place:

    Make your check out to: Eastern Maine Development Corporation 

    In the memo line, write: Bangor Daily News donation

    Mail your check to:

    Bangor Daily News – Community donations
    1 Merchants Plaza
    P.O. Box 1329
    Bangor, ME 04402

    (Please include your name, address, phone, and let us know if you would prefer to make your donation anonymously.)

  • Do you accept recurring donations?

    Absolutely! To make a recurring donation, use the online form [donate.bangordailynews.com], select “recurring,” and choose the frequency with which you would like to make your donation. Recurring donations — even just a few dollars a month — help smooth out our budget, and need to spend less time fundraising to meet our newsroom needs.

  • Is BDN a nonprofit? / Are my donations to the BDN tax deductible?

    All donations made to Bangor Daily News are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor, Eastern Maine Development Corporation. EMDC is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, EIN 01-0281875.

  • What will my donation support?

    Your tax-deductible donation helps us fund essential accountability, investigative and community journalism for Maine communities. Every year, we publish an impact report to show our subscribers, donors and other supporters the community impact of our journalism.

  • What is the Eastern Maine Development Corporation EIN or Federal Tax ID number?

    The EIN or Federal Tax ID number for Eastern Maine Development Corporation is 01-0281875.

  • How does the BDN work with funders and donors?

Other questions

Other Questions